Uses of Class

Packages that use TwoInputModel

Uses of TwoInputModel in wGmdh

Fields in wGmdh declared as TwoInputModel
 TwoInputModel Msc.modelToOutput
protected  TwoInputModel MscPrototype.modelToOutput

Methods in wGmdh that return TwoInputModel
protected  TwoInputModel Msc.getBest(int layerIndex)
protected  TwoInputModel MscPrototype.getBest(int layerIndex)
 TwoInputModel Msc.handleOutput(weka.core.Instances instances)

Uses of TwoInputModel in wGmdh.jGmdh.hybrid

Subclasses of TwoInputModel in wGmdh.jGmdh.hybrid
 class ErrorPropagatingModel
          A two-input building block of additive GMDH

Uses of TwoInputModel in wGmdh.jGmdh.oldskul

Fields in wGmdh.jGmdh.oldskul declared as TwoInputModel
 TwoInputModel MultiSelectCombi.ModelAndLayer.model

Methods in wGmdh.jGmdh.oldskul that return TwoInputModel
 TwoInputModel CopyCat.copyStructure(weka.core.Instances trainInsts)
          Trains a new model that has the same structure as this.

Constructors in wGmdh.jGmdh.oldskul with parameters of type TwoInputModel
MultiSelectCombi.ModelAndLayer(TwoInputModel m, int l)