Uses of Class

Packages that use TooBig

Uses of TooBig in wGmdh

Methods in wGmdh that throw TooBig
 void nrIteration)
 void nrIteration)

Uses of TooBig in wGmdh.jGmdh.gui

Methods in wGmdh.jGmdh.gui that throw TooBig
 java.lang.String NodebuttonPanel.highlightModelIterative(java.awt.Graphics g, NodeGraphics root)
          Called from the highlighting thread, repaints after each iteration.

Uses of TooBig in wGmdh.jGmdh.hybrid

Methods in wGmdh.jGmdh.hybrid that throw TooBig
protected  double[] ErrorPropagatingModel.coeffsFromData(double[] regressTo, double[][] trainingData)
          Fits the coefficients to residual of the existing fit.
static java.util.List<java.util.List<java.lang.Integer>> SseRegressionEquations.combinations(java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> set, int order)
          Generates combinations without repetition of elements that belong to set
static java.util.List<java.util.List<java.lang.Integer>> SseRegressionEquations.combinationsRepeating(java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> set, int order)
          Generates combinations with repetition of elements that belong to set
static LinearEqSystem SseRegressionEquations.extendSystemByOne(LinearEqSystem system, double[][] inputs, double[] regressTo)
 Model ErrorPropagatingModelFactory.instantiate(double[] regressionGoals, Performance selectionCriterion, Performance errorMeasure, Node... links)
static java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> SseRegressionEquations.removeCR2List(int setSize, java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> n)
          Generates a list of all locations that need to be erased to have all the combinations that contain n-th element from a list of 1-combinations and 2-combinations removed.

Constructors in wGmdh.jGmdh.hybrid that throw TooBig
ErrorPropagatingModel(double[] regressionGoals, Performance selectionCriterion, Performance errorMeasure, Node... links)
ErrorPropagatingModel(Performance selectionCriterion, Performance errorMeasure, Node... inputs)
          Sets up performance criteria and links.
ErrorPropagatingModel(Performance selectionCriterion, Performance errorMeasure, Node inputL, Node inputR)
          Sets up performance criteria and links.

Uses of TooBig in wGmdh.jGmdh.oldskul

Methods in wGmdh.jGmdh.oldskul that throw TooBig
 void Model.coeffsAndErrors(DatasetHandlerSupervised handler)
          Folds dataSetToFold.
 void Model.coeffsAndErrors(weka.core.Instances dataset, double trainPercentage)
 void Model.coeffsAndErrors(weka.core.Instances datasetToFold, int numFolds)
protected abstract  double[] Model.coeffsFromData(double[] regressTo, double[][] trainingData)
          Obtains coefficients by regression.
protected  double[] TwoInputModel.coeffsFromData(double[] regressTo, double[][] trainingData)
          Least squares fitting of basic GMDH building-block, a (second-order) polynomial P(trainingData[0],trainingData[1]).
 TwoInputModel CopyCat.copyStructure(weka.core.Instances trainInsts)
          Trains a new model that has the same structure as this.
 Model CopyCat.copyStructureAndPurify(weka.core.Instances trainInsts)
          Trains a new model that has the same structure as this.
 java.util.ArrayList<Model.Summand> Model.generateSummands(double[] coefficients)
          i.e. model has following form: P10 = a0 + a1*P1 + a2*P2 + a3*P3 + a4*P1*P1 + a5*P1*P2 + a6*P1*P3 + a7*P2*P2 + a8*P2*P3 + a9*P3*P3, method would return [ [a0, [null]], [a1,[P1]], [a2,[P2]], [a3,[P3]], [a4,[P1,P1]], [a5,[P1,P2]], ...]
 Model TwoInputModelFactory.instantiate(double[] regressionGoals, Performance selectionCriterion, Performance errorMeasure, Node... links)
abstract  double[] Model.localOuputOnArray(double[][] inputs, double[] coeffs)
          Calculates value that a GMDH polynomial takes in a point, for an array of points, using coeffs as coefficients.
 double[] TwoInputModel.localOuputOnArray(double[][] inputs, double[] coefficients)
          Calculates the GMDH model output given an array of immediate inputs
 int MultiSelectCombi.mscGrow()
          Grow network by one layer; in multilayered version of selectional-combinatorial algorithm.
 void MultiSelectCombi.multiSelectCombi(int nrLayers)
static java.lang.String MultiSelectCombi.polynomialExpressionGlobal(Model target, int fold)
          Submodels will be marked by their uniqueID.

Constructors in wGmdh.jGmdh.oldskul that throw TooBig
Model(java.util.ArrayList<double[]> regressionGoals, java.util.ArrayList<double[]> validationGoals, Performance selectionCriterion, Performance errorMeasure, java.util.ArrayList<Node> links)
Model(java.util.ArrayList<double[]> regressionGoals, java.util.ArrayList<double[]> validationGoals, Performance selectionCriterion, Performance errorMeasure, Node... links)
Model(DatasetHandlerSupervised handler, Performance selectionCriterion, Performance errorMeasure, java.util.ArrayList<Node> links)
Model(double[] regressionGoals, Performance selectionCriterion, Performance errorMeasure, Node... links)
Model(Performance selectionCriterion, Performance errorMeasure, Node... links)
          No regression or model evaluation takes place in this constructor.
TwoInputModel(java.util.ArrayList<double[]> regressionGoal, Performance selectionCriterion, Performance errorMeasure, Node inputL, Node inputR)
TwoInputModel(double[] regressionGoals, Performance selectionCriterion, Performance errorMeasure, Node... links)
TwoInputModel(Performance selectionCriterion, Performance errorMeasure, Node... inputs)
          Sets up performance criteria and links.

Uses of TooBig in wGmdh.jGmdh.playground

Methods in wGmdh.jGmdh.playground that throw TooBig
static void Toy.main(java.lang.String[] args)